Where The Wilde Things Grow

If we take care of nature, then nature will take care of us.

Modern society has disconnected us from the world we live in, to the point that many of us have little idea how to grow food or use fresh, basic ingredients; the idea that “weeds” could be useful for eating or even healing is almost unfathomable. But there is a growing movement to reconnect and relearn what we’ve lost along the way, to re-establish our relationship with nature, and to safe-guard ourselves to an extent against the uncertainties of the future by producing our own foods and medicines. This is my journey to joining that movement.

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The Medlar Jelly

Well. The results could have been better. I had my medlars bletting in a basket in my closet; about half of them went soft, the other half remained rock-like. Our friendly household ants (who don’t seem to want to take the hint that we don’t particularly want them inside) found the basket and swarmed it.…

Meddling with medlars!

The chooks are still free-ranging about the yard and have made it abundantly clear that I will not be able to press on with any garden plans until I have acquired some fencing to keep them out of my best laid plans. They are merciless in scratching out tender young plants. So, to keep myself…

Bunny poo: a soil saviour?

As I have mentioned before, the soil at our new house is in trouble. It’s dry, sandy and devoid of life. I’m impressed that anything grows out of it at all! The existing plant life consists of small trees and shrubs that evidently got established before it became something of a desert wasteland. If I…

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