Will it water tank?

We have a water tank.

We have a pump.

We have irrigation pipes.

But will it all work once we get it all connected?

…with my trusty kitchen scissors, since my secateurs disappeared long ago

The good news at least is that the pipe that runs between the shed roof and the top of the water tank was there, and sits in place nicely. However, I have no idea at this stage whether the pump is going to turn on. If it does, there are hoses running out to two different points in the garden with connectors on the ends, and there is irrigation running the length of the backyard garden bed that just needs a new set of connectors, and then we might be able to water the majority of the garden with little effort or cost!

Now I just need to source a long power cord (possibly we have one lying around somewhere) and try out that pump… I will say, that plug does not look promising!

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