Meddling with medlars!

The chooks are still free-ranging about the yard and have made it abundantly clear that I will not be able to press on with any garden plans until I have acquired some fencing to keep them out of my best laid plans. They are merciless in scratching out tender young plants. So, to keep myself... Continue Reading →

Bunny poo: a soil saviour?

As I have mentioned before, the soil at our new house is in trouble. It's dry, sandy and devoid of life. I'm impressed that anything grows out of it at all! The existing plant life consists of small trees and shrubs that evidently got established before it became something of a desert wasteland. If I... Continue Reading →

Will it water tank?

We have a water tank. We have a pump. We have irrigation pipes. But will it all work once we get it all connected? I hacked my way through tangled jasmine and ivy vines to find the pump... ...with my trusty kitchen scissors, since my secateurs disappeared long ago The plug looks a little sad... Continue Reading →

The Results of Broadcasting

So my last post was about the “broadcasting” method of seed planting - that is, simply chucking the seeds on the ground. The results were underwhelming. In fact, nothing grew. So what did I learn from this experience? It took a bit of ‘observation’ (one of the key permaculture principles - “observe and interact”) to... Continue Reading →

Autumn Garden Activities

Out with the old, in with the new! I'm late to the game {for reasons} but I figure it's better late than never. So, without further ado, here's what I'm getting up to in the garden. The Tomato Patch Last year I discovered the pre-existing veggie garden at the top of the yard doesn't get... Continue Reading →

Making Magic

It might look a little "witchy woo", but experience has put any scepticism I may have held to rest. Dried plantain, self-heal and calendula begin the infusion process in a jar of sweet almond oil, in preparation for making an eczema and general skin care salve. When I first learned that weeds can be helpful,... Continue Reading →

Banished from the garden

The chooks and the duck free range these days, traversing the breadth and depth of the backyard at their leisure - including, until recently, the veggie patch. While they didn't seem much interested in eating my little seedlings, they wreaked havoc simply with their scratching around and bumping into things and occasionally tweaking off a... Continue Reading →

The first rule of Garden Club…

You do not give up on Garden Club! The second rule of Garden club? You do NOT give up on Garden Club! Gardening is hard, y'all! You've basically got everything stacked against you: weather, soil, a zillion insects that want to come and eat your freshly planted seedlings... so it can be rather tempting to... Continue Reading →

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