Meddling with medlars!

The chooks are still free-ranging about the yard and have made it abundantly clear that I will not be able to press on with any garden plans until I have acquired some fencing to keep them out of my best laid plans. They are merciless in scratching out tender young plants. So, to keep myself... Continue Reading →

New Chookies and a Secure Home

When last I wrote about our poultry situation, we had two ISA brown chickens and a Muscovy duck, which we paired up with a second Muscovy pal. Sadly, our girls attracted some very unwanted attention: the fox came and picked them off, first the two chooks, then my sweet Ducko. We took the new duck... Continue Reading →

Banished from the garden

The chooks and the duck free range these days, traversing the breadth and depth of the backyard at their leisure - including, until recently, the veggie patch. While they didn't seem much interested in eating my little seedlings, they wreaked havoc simply with their scratching around and bumping into things and occasionally tweaking off a... Continue Reading →

Love, Loss and Lenny

It doesn't take long for a little critter to worm its way into your heart. In fact, humans are pretty good at falling in love with things on sight - especially when it's fluffy little chicks. We brought home a duck and three baby chickens, and we set to loving them. As I've said in... Continue Reading →

Cluck, cluck, quack!

We did it! After constructing our coop, we drove to the farm to pick up our new poultry. We were still a little undecided on some of the specifics - Sean wasn't sold on the idea of a baby duck, though the owner lady and the sight of the fluffy yellow quackers soon convinced; as... Continue Reading →

Spraddle Leg: How we nearly lost a chick

I've got an introductory post for the new poultry in the works, but waiting on suitable conditions for a good photo! For now, meet Lenny the Australorp Chick. We brought home three chicks and a duckling. Everything seemed to be going well... until the evening. One of the chicks, an Australorp, was looking a little... Continue Reading →

Putting Up the Poultry Coop

As previously mentioned, we have a severe slug (and less severe snail) problem. It's beyond what we can combat on our own. We'd have to empty a tonne of slug pellets out there to get on top of the situation, if we went that route (which isn't suitable, since we have a dog and children).... Continue Reading →

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