Meddling with medlars!

The chooks are still free-ranging about the yard and have made it abundantly clear that I will not be able to press on with any garden plans until I have acquired some fencing to keep them out of my best laid plans. They are merciless in scratching out tender young plants. So, to keep myself... Continue Reading →

Will it water tank?

We have a water tank. We have a pump. We have irrigation pipes. But will it all work once we get it all connected? I hacked my way through tangled jasmine and ivy vines to find the pump... ...with my trusty kitchen scissors, since my secateurs disappeared long ago The plug looks a little sad... Continue Reading →

The Results of Broadcasting

So my last post was about the “broadcasting” method of seed planting - that is, simply chucking the seeds on the ground. The results were underwhelming. In fact, nothing grew. So what did I learn from this experience? It took a bit of ‘observation’ (one of the key permaculture principles - “observe and interact”) to... Continue Reading →

Autumn Garden Activities

Out with the old, in with the new! I'm late to the game {for reasons} but I figure it's better late than never. So, without further ado, here's what I'm getting up to in the garden. The Tomato Patch Last year I discovered the pre-existing veggie garden at the top of the yard doesn't get... Continue Reading →

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