Meddling with medlars!

The chooks are still free-ranging about the yard and have made it abundantly clear that I will not be able to press on with any garden plans until I have acquired some fencing to keep them out of my best laid plans. They are merciless in scratching out tender young plants. So, to keep myself... Continue Reading →

Will it water tank?

We have a water tank. We have a pump. We have irrigation pipes. But will it all work once we get it all connected? I hacked my way through tangled jasmine and ivy vines to find the pump... ...with my trusty kitchen scissors, since my secateurs disappeared long ago The plug looks a little sad... Continue Reading →

The Results of Broadcasting

So my last post was about the “broadcasting” method of seed planting - that is, simply chucking the seeds on the ground. The results were underwhelming. In fact, nothing grew. So what did I learn from this experience? It took a bit of ‘observation’ (one of the key permaculture principles - “observe and interact”) to... Continue Reading →

Putting Up the Poultry Coop

As previously mentioned, we have a severe slug (and less severe snail) problem. It's beyond what we can combat on our own. We'd have to empty a tonne of slug pellets out there to get on top of the situation, if we went that route (which isn't suitable, since we have a dog and children).... Continue Reading →

Getting Rustic with Plant Tepees

Peas, beans and other climbing plants need support structures to grow up. Looking through Bunnings, the metal trellises were out of our budget, so we looked at bamboo poles to make our own. They were upwards of $5 each! We'd pay more than just buying a pre-fab trellis! It was time to think outside the... Continue Reading →

Weeds – Friend or Foe?

Are all weeds bad? Let’s be honest: weeds aren’t well-liked. They’re often unsightly, grow in all the wrong places, and compete with plants you want in your garden (the true definition of a weed - an unwanted, self-sown garden guest). But are weeds really that bad? Are all of them undesirable? One of our first... Continue Reading →

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